Advanced/Customized Settings
If you want to customize your home theater to your environment, equipment or personal tastes, many settings are
available. One of the most important advanced settings, called Room Setup, establishes the distances between your
speakers and your normal listening position (as well as volume levels, etc.). Making this setting should improve your
surround sound. Room Setup is explained on page 26. After that you could go on to fine tune your surround sound
for maximum sound quality. These settings start on page 27.
The VSX-C550 has many different listening modes to accommodate many different kinds of sources, speaker
configurations and sound reproduction. Experiment with these features to figure out what suits your tastes.
The listening mode explanations and settings start on page 33.
The above is a quick guide to getting you started with your home theater system and a few setup suggestions. It is a
good idea, however, to read this manual in its entirety so you understand what you can do with the VSX-C550 and
the possibilities of home theater in general. You may find many hints in these explanations that help you get better
sound and let you operate all your equipment more effectively.
Quick Start Guide