(11) Lighting
• The projection screen kit (RMS-V4011/V5011) will not reflect like TV screens when exposed to external light, but may reflect
if directly exposed to strong lights such as spotlight. Therefore, make sure that the screens are not exposed to direct
• For certain installation location conditions, a glass sheet may have to be attached to the screen surface. In this case, as there
will be reflection by external light, consider the installation position, etc. carefully.
• As the actual intended images of the system may not be obtained in very bright locations, consider the position of lighting
and direction of sunlight when installing the system.
(12) Effects of Earth Magnetism
• Due to effects of earth magnetism, the position of the image displayed will differ according to the installed direction.
Difference is about several mm in the up/down/left/right directions, but the degree of change varies according to the
strength of the earth magnetism of each area.
• Misconvergence may also occur due to slight rotations.
• Therefore, when performing adjustments before bringing the system into the installing location. Perform the adjustments
in the same direction and angle as installation, perform adjustments again at the final location decided.
• If the system is used at a fixed position, adjust it at the final position used.
• The system is not only affected by earth magnetism but by the following magnetisms generated by various items in its
surrounding as well.
• Steel frame of building
• Power cables on the floor
• Large speaker systems
• Special equipment (Those generating magnetic force)
• Metallic installation table, frames, etc.