Where to get PTZ System Software
The Windows95/NT version of the PTZ System Software comes on disk with every Pioneer, included in
the Saphira distribution software. Updates and other platform-based versions are available online from the
ActivMedia Robotics Internet website. The compressed archives contain the shared executables and
accessory files you need to operate the PTZ System and integrate it with your own C-language programs.
Note that the PTZ system software works with Saphira version 5.3 or later. Collect all software online from:
Be sure to choose the software version that matches your computer’s operating environment;
ptzsys.EXE for Windows95/NT computers or ptzsys_linux.tgz for Linux OS, for example.
Related Resources
The PTZ Robotic Camera for Pioneer depends on a working knowledge of your Pioneer Mobile Robot
and the Pioneer 2 Operating System software (P2OS). Consult your Pioneer 2 Operation Manual for details.
Obtain copies of the latest Pioneer manuals (this document, too) from our Internet website:
We announce Pioneer software-related updates and new versions, as well as share ideas and code, through
two main email-based newsgroups:
To join—and please do join—simply send an email message (substitute saphira-users for pioneer-
users to access that separate group):
To: pioneer-users-request@activmedia.com
From: <your return email address goes here>
Subject: <choose one command>
help (returns instructions)
lists (returns list of newsgroups)
Our SmartList-based listserver will respond automatically. Once subscribed, send your email comments,
suggestions, and questions intended for the worldwide community of Pioneer users:
To: pioneer-users@activmedia.com
From: <your return email address goes here>
Subject: <something of interest to all members of pioneer-users>
Access to the pioneer-users newslist is limited to subscribers, so your address is safe from spam.
However, the list currently is unmoderated, so please confine your comments and inquiries to that concerning
Pioneer operation and programming.
If something seems (or clearly is) broken with the software, your Pioneer robot, and/or PTZ System, send
an email message
To: pioneer-support@activmedia.com
and a team of experts will leap to the rescue.