Pause (pause)
1 Press M.C. topause orresume.
Random (randomplay)
! RefertoRandom (randomplay) on page22.
Play Mode (repeatplay)
1 Referto Play Mode (repeatplay) onpage 18.
However,the repeatrange is differentfrom thatof
moving images.
! All–Repeat allfiles
! Folder–Repeat thecurrent folder
Capture(capturing an imagein JPEGfiles)
You cancapture imagedata anduse it aswallpaper.
Images canbe storedand recalled easilyin thisunit.
! Onlyoneimage can bestored onthis unit.Old
images areover writtenwith the newones.
1 Press M.C. todisplay thesetting mode.
2 Turn M.C.to selectthe desiredsetting.
3 Press M.C. toconfirm theselection.
Rotate (picturerotation)
1 Press M.C. todisplay thesetting mode.
2 Press M.C. torotate thedisplayed picture90°
Wide Mode(switching thewide mode)
! RefertoWide Mode(switching the widemode)
on page19.
Time PerSlide (slideshowinterval timesetting)
JPEG filescan beviewed asa slideshow on thisunit.
In thissetting, theinterval betweeneach imagecan
be set.
1 Press M.C. todisplay thesetting mode.
2 Turn M.C.to selectthe desiredsetting.
! 5sec–JPEG imagesswitch at intervals of5
! 10sec–JPEG imagesswitchat intervals of10
! 15sec–JPEG imagesswitchat intervals of15
! Manual –JPEG imagescan be switched
3 Press M.C. toconfirm theselection.
Display (displaysetting)
! RefertoDisplay (display setting)on page19.
A/V Format(switching mediafile types)
! RefertoA/V Format(switchingmedia filetypes)
on page19.
! Operation is completeeven if the menu is can-
celled before being confirmed.
! You can select the following functionsif the
background setting on the entertainment
menu is off.
— Capture (capturing an image in JPEG
— Rotate (picture rotation)
— Wide Mode (switching the wide mode)
— Display (display setting)
Introduction of operations for
playback of still images as a
You can view still images saved to a USB/SD
as a slideshow while listening to audio from
another source.
For details about the settings, refer to
Slide Show (slide show viewing) on page 31.
Function settings
1 Press M.C. to display the function
2 Turn M.C. to select the function.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the function.
Return (endingslideshow)
Ending theslideshow.
1 Press M.C. toend theslideshow.
Photo Selection(selecting photos)
Operating this unit