Gripper & Experimenter’s Module
sfRobotCom2Bytes(int com, int high, int low)
sfRobotComInt(com, ((high & 0xff)<<8) + (low & 0xff));
* Speaker functions -- play a tone string
* Format of string is L1 T1 L2 T2 .... Ln Tn
* where Li is length of tone i in 20ms increments
* and Ti is tone half-cycle time in 150us increments
* Max length of string is 40 bytes (20 tones)
sfPlayToneString(char *str, int n)
if (n > 40) n = 40;
sfRobotComStrn(sfCOMSAY, str, n);
* Gripper functions --- set and retrieve gripper state
* States are sfUP, sfDOWN, sfMIDDLE, sfOFF, and sfMOVING
* sfMOVING occurs only during transitions between states
* sfOFF can be set by the user, which means no state control
* sfOFF can be set by the robot to indicate a timeout
/* states */
#define sfGRIPOFF 0
#define sfGRIPUP 1
#define sfGRIPMOVING 2
#define sfGRIPMIDDLE 4
#define sfGRIPDOWN 5
#define sfCOMGRIPPER 33