Power source ............................. 14.4 V DC (10.8 V to 15.1 V
Grounding system ................... Negative type
Current consumpti on ............ 30 A (at continuous power,
4 W)
Average current drawn ......... 10 A (4 W for two channels)
19 A (4 W for one channel)
Fuse ................................................ 30 A × 2
Dimensions (W × H × D) ... 265 mm × 62 mm × 346
(10-3/8 in. ×2-1/2 in. × 1 ft.
2 in.)
Weight .......................................... 3.8 kg (8.4 lbs)
(Leads for wiring not in-
Maximum power output .......250 W × 2 (4 W) / 760 W × 1
(4 W)
Continuous power output ... 125 W × 2 (at 14.4 V, 4 W,20
Hz to 20 kHz 0.2% THD)
380 W × 1 (at 14.4 V, 4 W,20
Hz to 20 kHz 0.8% THD)
190 W × 2 (at 14.4 V, 2 W,20
Hz to 20 kHz 0.8% THD)
Load impedance ...................... 4 W (2 W to 8 W allowable)
(Bridge connection: 4 W to 8
W allowable)
Frequency response ............... 10 Hz to 50 kHz (+0 dB, –1
Signal-to-noise ratio ...............95 dB (IHF-A network)
Distortion .....................................0.03 % (10 W, 1 kHz)
Separation ..................................70 dB (1 kHz)
Low pass filter:
Cut off frequency ...........80 Hz
Cut off slope .....................–12 dB/oct
Bass boost:
Frequency ..........................50 Hz
Level .....................................0 dB/6 dB/12 dB
Gain control:
RCA ...................................... 200 mV to 6.5 V
Speaker .............................. 0.8 V to 26 V
Maximum input level / impedance:
RCA ...................................... 6.5 V / 22 kW
Speaker .............................. 26 V / 90 kW
CEA2006 Specifications
Power output ............................. 125 W RMS × 2 Channels
(at 14.4 V, 4 Wand ≦ 1%
380 W RMS × 1 Channels
(at 14.4 V, 4 W BRIDGE and
≦ 1 % THD+N)
190 W RMS × 2 Channels
(at 14.4 V, 2 Wand ≦ 1%
S/N ratio ....................................... 75 dBA (reference: 1 W into
4 W)
Power source ............................. 14.4 V DC (10.8 V to 15.1 V
Grounding system ................... Negative type
Current consumpti on ............ 15 A (at continuous power,
4 W )
Average current drawn .........4 A (4 W for two channels)
7.8 A (4 W for one channe l)
Fuse ................................................ 25 A × 1
Dimensions (W × H × D) ...263 mm × 61 mm × 206
mm(10-3/8 in. × 2-3/8 in. ×
8-1/8 in.)
Weight ..........................................2 kg (4.4 lbs)
(Leads for wiring not in-
Maximum power output....... 120 W × 2 (4 W) / 350 W × 1
(4 W)
Continuous power output ... 60 W × 2 (at 14.4 V,4 W,20
Hz to 20 kHz 0.2% THD)
175 W × 1 (at 14.4 V, 4 W,20
Hz to 20 kHz 0.8% THD)
85 W × 2 (at 14.4 V, 2 W,20
Hz to 20 kHz 0.8% THD)
Load impedance ...................... 4 W (2 W to 8 W allowable)
(Bridge connection: 4 W to 8
W allowable)
Frequency response ............... 10 Hz to 50 kHz (+0 dB, –1
Signal-to-noise ratio ...............95 dB (IHF-A network)
Distortion .....................................0.01 % (10 W, 1 kHz)
Separation ..................................70 dB (1 kHz)
Additional information