A parentallock message isdis-
played andplayback is notpos-
Parental lockis on. Turnparental lock offor changethe level.
(Page 42)
Parental lockcannot be can-
The codenumber is incorrect. Inputthe correct codenumber. (Page42)
You haveforgotten your codenum-
PressCLEAR 10 timesto cancelthe code
Dialog language(and subtitle
language) cannotbe switched.
The DVDplaying does notfeature
multiple languagerecordings.
You cannotswitch among multiplelanguages
if theyare not recordedon the disc.
You canonly switch betweenitems
indicated inthe disc menu.
Switch usingthe disc menu.
No subtitlesare displayed. The DVDplaying does notfeature
Subtitles arenot displayed ifthey are notre-
corded onthe disc.
You canonly switch betweenitems
indicated inthe disc menu.
Switch usingthe disc menu.
Playback isnot with theaudio
language andsubtitle language
settings selectedin SETUP.
The DVDplaying does notfeature
dialog orsubtitles in thelanguage
selected inSETUP.
Switching toa selected languageis not possi-
ble ifthe language selectedin SETUPis not
recorded onthe disc.
Switching theviewing angle is
not possible.
The DVDplaying does notfeature
scenes shotfrom multiple angles.
You cannotswitch between multipleangles if
the DVDdoes notfeature scenes recorded
from multipleangles.
You aretrying toswitch to multiple
angle viewingof ascene thatis not
recorded frommultiple angles.
Switch betweenmultiple angles whenwatch-
ing scenesrecorded from multipleangles.
The pictureis extremely unclear/
distorted anddark during play-
The discfeatures a signalto prohibit
copying. (Somediscs may have
Since thisunit is compatiblewith the copy
guard analogcopy protect system,when play-
ing adisc thathas a signalprohibiting copy-
ing, thepicture may suffer fromhorizontal
stripes orother imperfections when viewed
on somedisplays. This doesnot mean this
unit ismalfunctioning.
Problems during Video CD playback
Symptom Cause Action
The PBC(playback control)
menu displaycannot be called
The VideoCD playingdoes not fea-
ture PBC.
This operationis not possiblewith VideoCDs
not featuringPBC.
Repeat playand track/time
search arenot possible.
The VideoCD playingfeatures PBC. Thisoperationis not possiblewith VideoCDs
featuring PBC.
Problems during iPod playback
Symptom Cause Action
iPod doesn’toperate correctly. Cables are incorrectlyconnected. Disconnect thecable from iPod. OnceiPod
main menuis displayed, connectthe cable
Resetthe iPod.
The iPod versionis old. Update theiPodversion.
Additional Information