Mailslot submode
Mailslot submode is designed to use mailslot with the control
panel in order to exchange, eject, or add discs.
Although the insertion or removal of discs may normally be
performed only by the host computer in order to prevent
discrepancies from arising in the database, it is permitted for
the system administrator to use this mode to insert or remove
discs. When doing so, however, the system administrator
must make a record of the slots to which discs have been
moved and, when necessary, also perform database
maintenance. (Note that the slot numbers of slots for which
discs have been added may be read by using the import-log
in Info submode.)
If you press the ENT key at this point, the following “Swap,
Remove, or Add some discs?” selection menu will appear.
Move the cursor to the menu item to be selected and press
the ENT key to make your selection.
¶ Use the » or « keys to specify the slot number of the slot
for which you wish to exchange discs and press the ENT
(Note that each time either one of the » or « keys is
pressed, the slot numbers in which discs have been
inserted and the slot numbers for which the changer is
still uncertain whether the slot is empty or full will be shown
in sequence.)
If there is a disc in the specified slot, the disc will be carried
to the mailslot, the tray will open, and the following message
will be displayed.
If there is no disc in the specified slot, the tray will open and
the following message will be displayed.
¶ Place the new disc in the tray and press the ENT key.
The tray will close, the following message will be displayed,
and the disc will be carried to the specified slot.
When the disc swapping operation has been completed, the
message displayed on the LCD message window will return
to the initial swap disc message with the next slot number
corresponding to the condition described above being
To exit swap mode, press the ESC key.
¶ Use the » or « keys to specify the slot number of the disc
you wish to remove and press the ENT key. (Note that
discs may be removed by this mode only from slots for
which it is confirmed that a disc has been inserted, and
that the selection menu displayed will not change when
the ENT key is pressed if there is no confirmed slot in
which a disc has been inserted.)
The specified disc will be carried to the mailslot, the tray
will open, and the following message will be displayed.
¶ Remove the disc and press the ENT key to close the tray.
When the disc has been removed, the message displayed
on the LCD message window will return to the initial remove
disc message with the next slot number corresponding to
the condition described above being displayed.
To exit remove mode, press the ESC key.