FUNCTION button and AUDIO button
You can also select the desired mode by
FUNCTION button and AUDIO button on the
remote control. But operation of FUNCTION
button and AUDIO button on the remote con-
trol differs from the operation of
MULTI-CONTROL on the head unit. When op-
erating the remote control, switch through the
modes as described below to select the mode.
FUNCTION button operation
% Press FUNCTION to select the desired
mode (e.g., built-in CD player).
Press FUNCTION repeatedly to switch be-
tween the following modes:
Play mode (repeat play)—Random mode
(random play)—Scan mode (scan play)—
Pause (pause)—Search mode (search meth-
od)—Title Input (disc title input)—Jacket art
(jacket art read)
Refer to Introduction of advanced built-in CD
player operation on page 23.
AUDIO button operation
% Press AUDIO to select the desired
Press AUDIO repeatedly to switch between
the following modes:
Fader (balance adjustment)—Position (posi-
tion selector)—TA Mode (time alignment set-
ting)—Time Alignment (time alignment
adjusting)—Loudness (loudness)—Powerful
(graphic equalizer adjustment)—FREQ. (16-
band graphic equalizer adjustment)—
Subwoofer1 (subwoofer on/off)—
Subwoofer2 (subwoofer cut-off frequency)—
Subwoofer3 (subwoofer slope)—Front HPF
(front high pass filter slope)—
Front HPF FREQ. (front high pass filter cut-off
frequency)—Rear HPF (rear high pass filter
slope)—Rear HPF FREQ. (rear high pass filter
cut-off frequency)—BBE (BBE)—COMP/BMX
(Compression and BMX)—SLA (source level
adjustment)—AUI sound level (auditory user
Refer to Introduction of audio adjustments on
page 80.
Before You Start