Black plate (51,1)
Initial (initial)—Custom (custom) —Auto TA
(auto-time alignment)—TA OFF (off)
! Initial is the factory supplied time align-
! Custom is an adjustedtime alignment that
you can create for yourself.
! Auto TAis the time alignment created by
auto TA and EQ.(Refer to Auto TA and EQ
(auto-time alignment and auto-equalizing)
on page 59.)
# Please set Auto TA appears. This indicates
that you cannot selectAuto TA if auto TAand EQ
has not been carriedout.
Adjusting the time alignment
You can adjust the distance between each
speaker and the selected position.
! An adjusted time alignment is memorized
in Custom.
1 Use MULTI-CONTROL to select TA 1.
TA1 appears in the display.
2 Press MULTI-CONTROL to select a unit
of distance.
Each press of MULTI-CONTROL selects the
unit of distance in the following order:
(cm) (centimeter)—(inch) (inch)
3 Use MULTI-CONTROL to select TA2.
TA2 appears in the display.
# Can't Adjust TA. Set POS FL/FR appears
when neither Front Left nor Front Right is se-
lected in the positionselector mode (POSI).
# When selecting TA OFF in TA1, you cannot
switch to TA2.
4 Push MULTI-CONTROL left or right to
select the speaker to be adjusted.
Each time MULTI-CONTROL is pushed left or
right, the speaker is selected in the following
Hi L (high-range left)—Hi R (high-range right)
—Mid L (middle-range left)—Mid R (middle-
range right)—Low L (low-range left)—Low R
(low-range right)
Front L (front left)—Front R (front right)—
Rear R (rear right)—Rear L (rear left)—
SubW. L (subwoofer left)—SubW. R (subwoo-
fer right)
# You cannotselect SubW. L andSubW. R
when the subwoofer outputis off.
5 Push MULTI-CONTROL up or down to
adjust the distance between the selected
speaker and the listening position.
Each time MULTI-CONTROL is pushed up or
down, the distance increases or decreases.
400.0cm to 0.0cm is displayed as the distance
is increased or decreased, if you have selected
centimeters ((cm)).
160inch to 0inch is displayed as the distance
is increased or decreased, if you have selected
inches ((inch)).
# You can adjustthe distance for the other
speakers in the sameway.
6 Press BAND to cancel the time align-
ment mode.
About the network
The network function lets you divide the audio
signal into different frequency bands, and
then reproduce each of them through sepa-
rate speaker units.
Audio Adjustments