Deleting a registered phone
If you no longer need to use a registered
phone with this unit, you can delete it from the
registration assignment for another phone.
! If a registered phone is deleted from this
unit, the Phone Book and other settings of
that phone are cleared simultaneously.
1 Use MULTI-CONTROL to select
Delete phone in the function menu.
2 Push MULTI-CONTROL up or down to
select a registration assignment.
P1 (user phone 1)—P2 (user phone 2)—P3
(user phone 3)
# If the assignment is empty, No data is dis-
played and the operation is not possible.
# If you need to know the BD (Bluetooth Device)
address of the phone, push MULTI-CONTROL left
3 Push MULTI-CONTROL right to select
Delete YES.
Delete YES is displayed. Deleting phone is
now on standby.
# If you do not want to delete a registered
phone, push MULTI-CONTROL left. The display
4 Press MULTI-CONTROL to delete the
After the phone is deleted, Deleted is dis-
Connecting to a registered
cellular phone
Once your phone is registered with this unit it
is a simple matter to establish a Bluetooth
wireless connection, either manually by select-
ing a registration assignment, or automatically
when a registered phone is within range.
Connecting to a registered phone
1 Use MULTI-CONTROL to select
Connect phone in the function menu.
2 Push MULTI-CONTROL up or down to
select a registration assignment.
P1 (user phone 1)—P2 (user phone 2)—P3
(user phone 3)
# If the assignment is empty, No data is dis-
played and the operation is not possible.
# If you need to know the BD (Bluetooth Device)
address of the phone, push MULTI-CONTROL left
3 Press MULTI-CONTROL to connect the
selected cellular phone.
While connecting, Connecting is displayed.
After the connection is completed, Connected
is displayed.
# If Auto connect is on, the most recently con-
nected registered cellular phone is connected
automatically. For more details, refer to Connect-
ing to a registered phone automatically on this
# If the connection failed, ERROR is displayed.
Check the cellular phone, then try again.
Connecting to a registered phone
When automatic connection is active, this unit
will automatically establish a connection with
a registered cellular phone. When the most re-
cently connected registered cellular phone
comes into range, automatic connection is
! This feature may not work with all phones.
If your registered phone fails to connect
with automatic connection, use the manual
connection method explained in Connect-
ing to a registered phone manually on this
Operating this unit