BSM (best stationsmemory)
BSM (best stationsmemory) automatically stores
the six strongeststations in the orderof their sig-
nal strength.
1 Press M.C. toturn BSM on.
To cancel, pressM.C. again.
LOCAL (local seektuning)
Local seek tuninglets you tune into only those
radio stations withsufficiently strong signals for
good reception.
1 Press M.C. toselect the desired setting.
The highest levelsetting allows reception of
only the strongeststations, while lower levels
allow the receptionof weaker stations.
SEEK (left/right keysetting)
You can assign afunction to the leftand right keys
of the unit.
Select MAN (manualtuning) to tune upor down
manually or selectPCH (preset channel) toswitch
between preset channels.
1 Press M.C. toselect MAN or PCH.
Basic operations
Playing a CD/CD-R/CD-RW
1 Insert the disc intothe disc loading slotwith
the label sideup.
Ejecting a CD/CD-R/CD-RW
1 Press h.
Selecting a folder
1 Press 1/
or 2/ .
Selecting a track
1 Press c ord.
Fast forwarding or reversing
1 Press and holdc or d.
! When playing compressedaudio, there isno
sound during fastforward or reverse.
Returning toroot folder
1 Press and holdBAND.
Switching between compressedaudio and CD-DA
1 Press BAND.
Switching the display
Selecting the desiredtext information
1 Press DISP tocycle between the following:
! ELAPSED TIME (tracknumber and play-
back time)
! CLOCK (source nameand clock)
! SPEANA (spectrum analyzer)
! TRACK INFO (tracktitle/track artist/disc
! ELAPSED TIME (tracknumber and play-
back time)
! CLOCK (source nameand clock)
! SPEANA (spectrum analyzer)
! TRACK INFO (tracktitle/artist name/album
! FILE INFO (filename/folder name)
! ELAPSED TIME (tracknumber and play-
back time)
! CLOCK (source nameand clock)
! SPEANA (spectrum analyzer)
! TRACK INFO and FILE INFO text information
will change automatically.
! Depending on the version of iTunes used to
write MP3 files to a disc or media file types,
incompatible text stored within an audio file
may be displayed incorrectly.
! Text information items that can be changed
depend on the media.
Selecting and playing files/
tracks from the name list
1 Press to switch to the file/track name
list mode.
2 Use M.C. to select the desired file name
(or folder name).
Selecting a fileor folder
1 TurnM.C.
1 When a file ortrack is selected, pressM.C.
Viewing alist of the files (or folders)in the se-
lected folder
1 When a folder is selected,press M.C.
Playing a songin the selected folder
1 When a folder is selected,press and holdM.C.
Operations using special buttons
Selecting a repeatplay range
1 Press 6/
to cycle betweenthe following:
! ALL – Repeatall tracks
! ONE – Repeatthe current track
! FLD – Repeatthe current folder
Playing tracks inrandom order
1 Press 5/
to turn randomplay on or off.
Tracks in aselected repeat range areplayed in
random order.
! To changesongs during random play, press d
to switch tothe next track. Pressing c restarts
playback of thecurrent track from thebegin-
ning of thesong.
Pausing playback
1 Press 4/PAUSE to pauseor resume.
Enhancing compressed audioand restoring rich
sound (sound retriever)
1 Press 3/S.Rtrv tocycle between:
1—2—OFF (off)
1 is effectivefor low compressionrates, and 2
is effective forhigh compression rates.
Function settings
1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select FUNCTION.
Once selected, the function below can be ad-
S.RTRV (soundretriever)
Automatically enhances compressedaudio and
restores rich sound.
1 Press M.C. toselect the desired setting.
For details,refer to Enhancing compressed
audio and restoring richsound (sound retriever)
on this page.
Audio adjustments
1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select AUDIO.
3 Turn M.C. to select the audio function.
Once selected, the following audio functions
can be adjusted.
! FADER isnot available when SUB.W/SUB.W
is selected inSP-P/O MODE. For details,refer
to SP-P/O MODE(rear output and preout set-
ting) on page8.
Operating this unit
Operating this unit