3 Touch [km / mile].
A message confirming whether to change the
setting appears.
4 Touch [Yes].
Each time you touch the key changes the set-
! mile (default):
Shows distance in miles.
! Mile&Yard:
Shows distance in miles and yards.
! km:
Shows distance in kilometers.
# If you touch [No], the settingis canceled.
Changing the virtual speed of the vehicle
When calculating the expected time of arrival
and the travel time to the destination, set the
average speed for the freeway or ordinary
roads using [+] and [–].
1 Display the “System Settings” screen.
= For details,refer to Displaying the screen for
system settings on page 170.
2 Touch [Regional Settings].
The “Regional Settings” screen appears.
3 Touch [Average Speed].
The “Average Speed Settings” screen ap-
4 Touch [+] or [–] to set the speed.
p The estimated time of arrival may not be
taken into account other parameters than
this speed value.
5 Touch [OK].
The settings are complete.
Setting the Volume for
Guidance and Phone
The sound volume for the navigation can be
set. You can separately set the volume of the
route guidance and the beep sound.
1 Display the “System Settings” screen.
= For details,refer to Displaying the screen for
system settings on page 170.
2 Touch [Volume].
The “Volume Settings” screen appears.
3 Touch [+] or [–] to set their volume.
On this screen, you can operate the following
! Guidance
This setting controls the guidance volume
of navigation.
p When set to
, guidance is output.
When set to
, no guidance is output.
! Phone Ringtone
This setting controls the incoming ring tone
! Phone Voice
This setting controls the incoming voice vo-
p “Phone Ringtone” and “Phone Voice” ad-
justments are needed only when the cellu-
lar phone featuring Bluetooth technology is
p Volume of the AV source is adjusted by the
VOL (+/–) button or Multi-control.
= For details,refer to Checking part names
and functions on page 14.
# If you touch the keynext to “Beep”, the setting
is changed.
! On (default):
Customizing preferences