Appendix NAVI/AV
Marks on the map indicating the route you have trav-
TV system (NTSC, PAL, SECAM)
Different areas of the world use different TV systems.
North America uses NTSC, Europe uses PAL and
SECAM, and Australia and New Zealand uses PAL.
Almost all are incompatible with each other. To display
the video image, such as TV or DVD-video correctly, you
may need to coordinate your system at the same TV sys-
tem or use a multisystem equipment.
VBR is short for variable bit rate. Generally speaking
CBR (constant bit rate) is more widely used. But by flexi-
bly adjusting the bit rate according to the needs of audio
compression, it is possible to achieve compression prior-
ity sound quality.
Voice guidance
The giving of directions by a recorded voice while in
guidance mode.
Voice recognition
The technology that allows the system to understand the
driver’s voice commands.
Way Point
A location that you choose to visit before your destina-
tion; a journey can be built up from multiple waypoints
and the destination.