
Front of set
m Standby : Switch off, interruptmenu function
P p Programme number Plus/Minus:Programme number up/down
Sp Volume:Volume up/down
5 Record/OTR: Directrecording of the programme selected at this moment
H Rewind : During STOPand STANDBY: rewind,during PLAYBACK:reverse scanning
h Pause/Stop: Stopthe tape, except during TIMER-recording
G Playback : Playback arecorded cassette
I Forward wind: During STOPand STANDBY: forwardwind, during PLAYBACK:forward
J Eject: Eject casette
AUDIO L/R Audio input socket left/rightstereo
VIDEO Video input socket: To connect a camcorder or videogames
w Headphonessocket: To connect headphones
Back of the set
2 Aerial inputsocket: To connect the aerial cable
8 Power switch : Toswitch off the set
Beware: When you switch theset off with the power switch,TIMER-recordings are not
EXTERNAL Scartsocket: To connect a satellite receiver, decoder,video recorder, etc.
AUDIO L/R Audio output, left/right stereo: To connect a HiFi-setor a ’Dolby Pro Logic’-decoder.