Continuous playback of a cassette
You can play a cassette continuously. As soon as the end of
the cassette or end of the recording is reached (30 seconds of
blank tape), it is rewound to the beginning and the playback
starts over again.
DPlease make sure the TELETEXT decoder is
switched off using the button TELETEXTe .
a Place a cassette in the machine.
b Press the PLAY G button to start continuous playback.
c Hold the button SELECT down on the remote control until
’R+’ appears on the screen (continuous playback
function switched on).
DIf you press a button while the continuous playback
mode is activated, ’R+’ will appear on the screen
simultaneously with the counter.
DIf you want to switch the continuous playback
function off, press and hold the SELECT button on
the remote control until ’R-’ appears on the TV
screen (continuous playback switched off).