Searching for tape position without the
picture (wind and rewind)
a Stop the tape with the STOPh button.
b Press the H (reverse) or I (forward) button.
c To stop at a certain picture, press the STOPh button.
Instant View
With this function you can switch to picture search during
wind and rewind.
a If you hold the H (rewind) or I (wind) button
during wind or rewind, you will switch to picture search.
b When you release the button, the TV-VIDEO Combi will
automatically switch back to rewind or wind.
Automatic search for a tape position
(index search)
At the start of each recording, the TV-VIDEO Combi will write
an index code on the tape.
a Press the INDEX E button. Press the I button to
select the next code mark or the H button for the
previous code mark.
b When the TV-VIDEO Combi finds the code mark, it will
automatically switch to play.