– 96 – Y53-6033
Regional Haul (R05/10)
NOTE: You will find a shift pattern diagram in the
cab. Check to be sure you know the correct
sequence for your particular transmission.
Operating Manual Transmissions
If your truck has an automatic transmission, go to page
6, 9, 10, and 11–Speed Manual
The 6–speed synchronized manual transmission has 6
forward speeds and 1 reverse. The 9–speed transmission
has 9 forward and 2 reverse speeds, consisting of a 5–
speed low range section and a 4–speed high range sec-
For specific instructions on operating one of the optional
10- or 11-speed transmissions, consult the transmission
manufacturer’s Driver/Operator Instruction Manual.
Transmission Warm–Up
In cold weather [below 32°F (0°C)], you may find shifting
sluggish when you first start up. Transmission warm-up is
especially important at this time, but it is always a good
idea to warm your transmission oil before starting out on
the road.
To warm the transmission lubricating oil during engine
1. Put the transmission in Neutral.
2. Release the clutch pedal and let the transmission
operate in Neutral for three to five minutes prior to
shifting into either a forward or reverse range.
Putting the Vehicle in Motion
After making sure the vehicle's oil and air pressure are
correct and all other parts and systems are in proper
working condition:
1. If your truck is equipped with a hand throttle, disen-
gage the hand throttle before driving the vehicle.