10 C1552M-C (7/07)
A VMX300-E system can include an optional VMX300E-B-SVR backup server. VMX300E-B-SVR backup server workstations include the backup
server software application and licensing for the backup server and client and up to 10 cameras. Licenses for up to 2,000 cameras can be
purchased as needed.
NOTE: When using a backup server, the backup licenses must mirror the VMX300-E system. For every camera, KBD300A keyboard, and client in
the system, you must include a backup license.
VMX300E-B Software Licenses
The VMX300E-B-SVR can support a maximum of 2,000 licenses. Licenses can be used for cameras (one each) , KBD300A keyboards (five each),
and clients (ten each).
VMX300E-B-LIC10 10 additional licenses
VMX300E-B-LIC20 20 additional licenses
VMX300E-B-LIC50 50 additional licenses
VMX300E-B-LIC100 100 additional licenses
VMX300E-B-LIC200 200 additional licenses
VMX300E-B-LIC500 500 additional licenses
Switchers CM6700, CM6800, CM9740, CM9760, CM9770, CM9780
Camera systems Spectra, Esprit
PelcoNet transmission systems NET300 Series, NET350 Series, NET4001A
Network video recorders NVR300 Series
Digital video recorders (DVRs) DX8000 Series (DX8000 software version level only), DX9000 Series
Input/Output devices CM9760-ALM alarm interface unit, CM9760-REL relay interface unit
External keyboard KBD300A
Backup server VMX300E-B-SVR and associated VMX300E-B license packs
The following set of manuals provide comprehensive instructions and reference information on the VMX300(-E) system:
VMX300(-E) Installation Quick Start Guide This guide provides an overview of hardware connections.
VMX300(-E) Installation Manual This is the hardware installation manual.
VMX300(-E) Software Guide:
Basic Configuration and Operation This guide provides basic instructions on configuring the server and operating the system.
VMX300(-E) Server Configuration Manual This manual is for system administrators responsible for configuring and maintaining VMX300(-E)
servers. The manual provides comprehensive instructions and reference information for the entire
server configuration.
VMX300(-E) Client Operation Manual This manual provides comprehensive instructions and reference information for the client
application used by system operators. The sections on workspaces, configuring servers, and remote
desktop servers are also of interest for system administrators.
Table E. VMX300E-B Sample Licensing Configurations
System Configuration Licenses Used
Licenses Available for Cameras, KBD300A Keyboards,
or Additional Client Workstations
Backup Server Workstation Base license 2,000
1 additional client workstation 10 1,990
10 additional client workstations 100 1,900
50 additional client workstations 500 1,500 (cameras only)