C1552M-C (7/07) 27
External devices can be connected either with a direct serial connection or with an Internet Protocol connection. An overview of each type of
connection is provided below; refer to the specific instructions provided for each type of external device in the following pages.
Direct Serial Connection
A direct serial connection means connecting the device to one of the COM ports on the VMX300(-E) rear panel. If your system contains more than
one VMX300(-E) workstation, be sure to connect the device to the workstation that the device driver runs on.
Figure 24. Sample of a Direct Serial Connection for an External Device
The VMX300(-E) provides the following types of COM ports:
• RS-232: COM 1, COM 2
• RS-422: COM 3, COM 4
After installing system hardware, ensure that the device’s internal settings match the VMX300(-E) COM port serial communication settings. If they
do not match, you must either
• configure the internal settings to match the VMX300(-E) COM port default settings, as identified in Table F, or
• change the VMX300(-E) COM port settings to match the device; instructions are provided in the Appendix on page 42.
Table F. Default Settings for VMX300(-E) COM Ports
Table G provides the pin assignments for the VMX300(-E) COM ports and Figure 25 on page 28 illustrates the RS-422 wall block connections.
Table G. VMX300(-E) COM Port Pin Assignments
VMX300(-E) COM Port Default Settings
COM 1, COM 2 RS-232, 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
COM 3, COM 4 RS-422, 2400 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
RS-232 Pin Assignments (COM 1, COM 2)
PIN 5 Ground
RS-422 Pin Assignments (COM 3, COM 4)
PIN 2 Rx+
PIN 3 Tx-
PIN 5 Ground
PIN 7 Tx+
PIN 8 Rx-