68 Pelco Manual C672M (2/01)
No. Error Meaning of Error
1 ER01 No power supply
2 ER02 No cassette loaded
3 ER03 Broken tape tab (unable to record)
4 ER04 Beginning of the tape
5 ER05 Tape end
6 ER06 Problem with the tape, video input, or VCR mechanism
7 ER07 Present time or timer program not yet set
8 ER08 Alarm REC underway (unable to change setting)
9 ER09 Unfeasible
10 ER10 Incorrect command
11 ER11 Incorrect parameter
12 ER12 Overflow of the VCR’s command receive buffer
13 ER13 Data not received correctly
Before using the newly installed surveillance system, do the following:
• Make test recordings at the time-lapse speeds you will be using. Test how the system
performs with alarms.
• Interrupt electrical power to check your installed power backup system (if applicable).
• On playback, verify picture quality and that you can see the time and date display
under normal and alarm conditions.
• Every day check that the system is operating. Is the recording indicator lit? Does the
counter display indicate movement? Does the monitor show proper camera sequenc-
ing and time and date information?
• Check for recorded alarms. Multiple alarms could make the tape run out early. Make
sure there is enough tape to record at least five minutes of alarm activity at the
selected speed.
• Regularly verify picture quality and operation under normal and alarm conditions. Play
a tape recorded recently under normal conditions, which also includes an alarm
condition that you triggered manually.
• Regularly replace tapes (refer to Table C for a schedule). Check tapes for head
scarring. Replace damaged tapes. Always store tapes in their boxes, away from
magnetic fields, heat, direct sunlight, and dust.