
C1572M (9/05) 11
CM9700-NW1 Network CPU and software necessary for joining two or more independent systems together. Allows multiple
systems to share video and control. Commonly referred to as the network interface unit (NIU).
CM9760-ALM Alarm interface unit. Connects directly to each system. Each unit can monitor up to 64 alarms. Up to four units can be
connected in a series from one SERCOM port.
CM9760-CDU-T Code distribution unit. Sixteen-channel RS-422 transmit-only (two data wires and ground) distributor. Primarily used
for wiring up to 16 pan/tilt/zoom receivers in a “star” configuration.
CM9760-CXTA Coaxitron
translator. Generates Coaxitron signals for Pelco Coaxitron receivers. Each translator supports up to
16 receivers.
CM9760-DMR Data merger and port expander unit. Allows multiple CM9700-CC1 units to control multiple pan/tilt/zoom cameras
and allows multiple keyboards to communicate through one CM9700-CC1 port.
CM9760-DMR-X Same as CM9760-DMR except operates on 230 VAC, 50 Hz.
CM9760-HS Hot switch interface unit. Changeover unit that monitors the status of a primary CM9700-CC1 in the system.
CM9760-MDA Master distribution amplifier. Inserts master time and date from the CM9700-CC1 and a programmable title of up to
24 characters on 1 to 16 video signals.
CM9760-MDA-X Same as CM9760-MDA except operates on 230 VAC, 50 Hz.
CM9760-REL Relay interface unit. Connects directly to each system and provides dry contact switching for direct or automatic
control of peripheral equipment. Each unit provides up to 64 SPST contact outputs.
CM9760-VCRC Series VCR controllers capable of controlling 64 VCRs.
Genex Multiplexers Genex Series MX4009 (9-channel) and MX4016 (16-channel) multiplexers.
VMX200 and Video management systems. Graphical map/icon-based user interface for mouse-driven operator control from
VMX300 Series external PC.
Series Spectra dome multiple protocol receiver.
ERD97P21-U Pelco P-protocol receiver.
LRD41C21-1/-2/-3 Legacy
fixed speed receiver with presets.
LRD41C22-1/-2/-3 Same as LRD41C21 Series except variable speed receiver.
Integrated pan/tilt positioning receiver.
Integrated pan/tilt explosionproof positioning receiver.
Coaxitron Coaxitron translator allows Coaxitron control of PTZ cameras.