C2641M-B (4/08) 29
1. Insert the USB key into the front of the unit.
2. Click Edit > Import Setup.
3. Double-click the last drive on the list; this is your USB key.
4. Locate the backup file you previously created, and then click Open. Your previously backed up settings will now be imported into your new
NOTE: Allow 60 seconds for the import process to complete before performing step 5. This ensures that all of the DX8100 settings are
5. To stop the USB device, do the following:
a. From the DX8100 menu, click File > Unplug/Eject Hardware. The Unplug or Eject Hardware dialog box opens.
b. Click Stop. The Stop a Hardware device dialog box opens.
c. Select the USB device to which the DX8100 settings are exported.
d. Click OK. The Safe to Remove Hardware dialog box opens.
e. Click OK.
f. Click Close.
6. Unplug the USB key.
NOTE: If Enable IP Security Policy was previously selected, skip this section.
To configure the IP security settings:
1. Do the following:
a. Click File > Exit. The “Shut down” dialog box opens.
b. Select Exit to Windows Mode from the drop-down menu. The Log On to Windows dialog box opens.
c. Enter the Windows operating system user name. (The default user name is DX8100ADM.)
d. Enter the Windows operating system password. (The default password is dx8100.)
e. Click OK. The system logs you on to the Windows operating system.
2. When in the Windows operating system environment, do the following:
a. Click Start on the Windows operating system taskbar.
b. Click Programs > Manage IPSec Policy. The DX8100 IPSec Policy dialog box opens.
c. Click the Enable IP Security check box (if it is selected) to deselect it.
d. Click OK.
3. Do the following:
a. Click Start.
b. Click Shut Down. The Shut Down Windows dialog box opens.
c. Select Restart from the drop-down menu.
d. Click OK. The DX8100 restarts.