12 C2673M-D (8/10)
Selection Control:
• Directional Arrows: (Up, down, left, and right) Navigate between the options of the Menu, Options, and Properties panes.
• Enter: Selects the highlighted option in the Menu, Option, and Properties panes.
Playback Controls:
Left Arrow: Provides two functions.
• Reverse: Searches recorded video at normal speed. Repeatedly press the button to search recorded video in the reverse
direction at 2x, 3x, or 4x the normal speed.
• Reverse Skip: Activates when playback is paused. Press the button to play back video frame-by-frame, or press the button
repeatedly to quickly skip through video in the reverse direction. Press and hold the button to go directly to the beginning of the
recorded video.
Right Arrow: Provides two functions.
• Forward: Searches recorded video at normal speed. Repeatedly press the button to search recorded video in the forward
direction at 2x, 3x, or 4x the normal speed.
• Forward Skip: Activates when playback is paused. Press the button to search video frame-by-frame, or press the button
repeatedly to quickly skip through video in the forward direction. Press and hold the button to go directly to the end of the
recorded video.
STOP: Stops playback.
PAUSE: Pauses playback.
Play: Provides an alternate playback function for viewing video. Press to start playback in forward direction; press again to play back
video in the reverse direction.
Jog Control (inner dial): Navigates through various mode options.
• Menu Mode: Increases (clockwise) or decreases (counter-clockwise) the selected option values.
• Date/Time Search Mode: Increases (clockwise) or decreases (counter-clockwise) to select the start time from which to begin
playback. Played back video is displayed in the picture-in-picture view. The picture-in-picture view is displayed in one or four
• Event Search Mode: During the initial video playback mode, the inner jog dial does not change the playback parameters.
Once the shuttle dial is used to pause played back video, the inner jog allows you to search forward (clockwise) or backward
(counter-clockwise) through each frame.
• Bookmark Search Mode: Once the shuttle dial is used to pause played back video, the jog dial allows you to search forward
(clockwise) or backward (counter-clockwise) through each frame.
• Pixel Search Mode: In the pixel search setup view, the jog dial navigates through the options. Once an option is selected, the
jog dial increases (clockwise) or decreases (counter-clockwise) the option’s value.
Shuttle Dial (outer ring):
• Quick Lift and Release Action (clockwise or counter-clockwise): For any of the above search modes, the initial quick
lift and release of the shuttle causes the played back video to pause. Subsequent quick lift and release actions searches the
played back video in the forward (clockwise) or reverse (counter-clockwise) direction, one frame at a time.
• Turn and Hold Action (clockwise or counter-clockwise): Turn the shuttle a little further to search the played back video
in the forward (clockwise) or reverse (counter-clockwise) direction faster, frame-by-frame. Turning the shuttle a full rotation in
either direction searches the playback at the fastest rate. The playback returns to pause when the shuttle is released.
High-Speed USB 2.0 Ports: One port on the front and two on the back of the DVR.
LOGIN: Displays the login dialog box if a user is not logged on to the system. If a user is already logged on, pressing this button logs
off the user. When a user is logged on, the button is lit blue; when a user is not logged on, the button is not lit. This button performs
the same function as the Login icon on the toolbar.