C695M-B (11/03) 19
Due to the nature of digital video recording, the particular capabilities of the DX3100, and the different parameters for each installation, it
is very difficult to calculate storage capacity. Desired image size, record rate, image quality, and number of channels are only a few of the
variables that affect capacity.
Before configuring the DX3100, work through this section to identify the desired settings for the DX3100 as well as all channels that are
connected to it. This section describes how different settings impact storage capacity.
NOTE: Values indicating video storage capacity are estimates only. These estimates are to be used as guidelines in determining proper
hard drive requirements. Many user-selectable factors, including image quality, recording rate, image content/motion, and video noise,
affect the total unit storage capacity. These estimates will vary based on actual use. These estimates are not an implied or expressed
guarantee of actual performance.