76 Pelco Manual C690M-E (11/04)
Arrayed across the bottom of the screen are a series of small information boxes.
• Starting from the left, the first box shows the state of the viewing PC (buffer mode/file
mode). Refer to the
Mode Icon Colors
section for details.
• The second identifies the unit’s IP address (useful when you have multiple DVRs).
• The third is an image counter (useful in big files with a large number of images).
Note that on playback of recordings, the DVR makes use of a buffer in the viewing PC’s
memory. This buffer can hold up to 100 images and begins to fill when you play recordings
from the DVR or PC hard drive.
When you play a recording forward, the program keeps retrieving images from the DVR or
PC—the buffer is not a factor. However, in playing backward, you can only go back as far
as what is in the buffer (100 images maximum). For example, if you played forward 60
images, then you can only play backward 60 images. If you played forward 180 images,
you can only play backward 100 images. Initially, you can only view forward until the
information is in the buffer; then you can view frame-by-frame and in reverse.
The buffer empties any time you make a switch, such as switching cameras or switching
from viewing a recording to viewing live.
• The fourth identifies the camera associated with the picture you are viewing.
• The fifth shows image size.
• The sixth displays the date and time associated with the picture you are viewing.
• The last shows the state of the unit you are viewing. When viewing recordings from the
PC’s hard drive, it can show whether you are seeing a file made from live viewing or made
from a recording that was on the DVR. This mode can change when viewing recordings
(for example, motion to alarm to scheduled).
State Meaning
Idle The DVR is waiting for a command from the user.
Live The DVR is displaying live video or data.
Scheduled The DVR is displaying scheduled recording of video or data.
Motion The DVR is displaying motion detection recording of video or data.
Event The DVR is displaying event recording.
Alarm The DVR is displaying alarm recording.
Stopped Viewing of live and recorded video/data is halted. The screen is blank.