C624M-C (5/06) 149
The DX8000 allows you to use both the COM1 and COM2 (RS-232) port and Port 1 to Port 4 (RS-422/RS-485) to connect ATM/POS devices.
Typically, Port 1 to Port 4 are used to connect the KBD300A and dome devices.
This section describes how to select and configure the ATM/POS device communication port and includes the following topics:
• Setting Up COM1 and COM2 Port Properties on page 149
• Selecting the ATM/POS Device Mode on page 150
• Setting Up an ATM/POS Data Format on page 151
• Assigning a Data Format to an ATM/POS Device on page 154
• Setting Up ATM/POS Exceptions on page 155
• Verifying the ATM/POS Communication Connection on page 159
Setting Up COM1 and COM2 Port Properties
This topic describes how to set up COM1 and COM2 communication port properties. Access the Network page to configure the communication
ports. For information on accessing the Network page, refer to Setting Up DX8000 Network Access on page 143. For information about the
Port/Device page, refer to Setting Up Port and Device Communication Properties on page 147.
The following table describes the COM1 and COM2 port properties.
To set up COM1 or COM2 communication properties:
1. In the Network page, click the Port/Device tab. The Port/Device page is displayed.
2. In the Communication Port drop-down box, select COM1 or COM2. RS-232 is the serial data communication standard.
3. In the device drop-down box, select a device.
4. Configure the following COM1/COM2 port settings using the drop-down boxes provided.
• Interface mode: RS-232 is the only allowed setting by default.
• Baud rate
• Data bits
• Stop bits
Table AP. COM1 and COM2 Port Properties
Property Selection
Interface Mode RS-232 (default)
Baud Rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, or 115200
Parity None, Odd, or Even
Data Bits 5, 6, 7, or 8
Stop Bits 1 or 2
Table AO. DX8000 Ports and Serial Data Communication Standards (Continued)
Serial Data Standard Supported
RS-232 RS-422 RS-485