Pelco Manual C586M (9/99) 11
When the keyboard is plugged into a multiplexer or multiplexer server, the keyboard is
ready to operate. However, some minimal programming may be required to
make your system work.
The default settings for the duplex and simplex multiplexers are not the same, and it should
not be assumed that there is nothing more to do after connecting the keyboard to the system.
Below are the minimum things to check.
1. To allow the keyboard to communicate with multiplexers in the polled mode (switch
4 OFF), you must designate one multiplexer (any one) as the master and all the
others as slaves. If you have just one multiplexer, it must be the master. In the
non-polled communication mode (switch 4 ON), all multiplexers must be slaves (the
keyboard is the master).
Set the master/slave designation from the front panel of the multiplexer,
not from the keyboard. Go to the Advanced System Setup menu (refer to
multiplexer manual) and select master or slave in the COMM. TYPE menu item. The
default is SLAVE for duplex multiplexers and MASTER (KBD T/D) for simplex
2. If you have more than one multiplexer, each one must have its own address (Unit ID in
the Advanced System Setup menu). If you have a server, the multiplexer address must
match the input on the server to which it is connected; for example, if the multiplexer is
connected to input 3 on the server, set the multiplexer address to 3. Set the address
from the front panel of the multiplexer, not from the keyboard.
3. If you have moveable cameras (they must be Coaxitron compatible), you must
program the Coaxitron format for each camera (Camera menu). The duplex
multiplexer COAXITRON FORMAT default setting is OFF, while the simplex default
setting is EXTENDED. Programming can be done from the front panel of the
multiplexer or from the keyboard (refer to the
section for keyboard
Below is the minimum you should check.
If you intend to control two monitors from one keyboard (paired mode), you must change
the settings for the monitors (Monitor menu). Programming the server can only be done
from the keyboard. Refer to the server manual for instructions.
The KBD4000V keyboard provides Coaxitron
control of pan, tilt, and lens functions.
The duplex multiplexer COAXITRON FORMAT (refer to the
Camera Setup
section) default
setting is OFF and must be changed in order to use Coaxitron control. The simplex
multiplexer default setting is EXTENDED and 32-bit Coaxitron control can be used without
changing the setting.
When used with 15-bit standard Coaxitron
receivers, such as the CX9000 Series, the
PT7700, and the ED25/27/28/29, the KBD4000V supports all pan, tilt, and lens functions,
and AUX on/off. The keyboard will not set or call presets or support preset scanning.
When used with 32-bit extended Coaxitron
receivers, such as Esprit, Intercept, Spectra,
and LRD41C21/LRD41C22 Series, the KBD4000V will support all the functions above,
including the setting and calling of presets and patterns. It will not support programming of
preset or pattern labels. If labels for presets or patterns are required, they would need to be
programmed with a different control, such as the MPT9500.