Pelco Manual C1503M (11/99) 9
5. Change the command line in the autoexec.bat file to reflect the new flat files name:
from TEST to
(the name you chose in step 2 above).
6. Click File, then Save.
7. You also need to change the test.bat file to reflect the new flat files name, otherwise
the system will not run. Click File, then Open.
8. Click on
.bat in the 9760 directory, then Ok.
9. Change the command line in the
.bat file to reflect the new flat files name:
from CM9760 TEST to CM9760
(the name you chose in step 2 above).
10. Click File, then Save.
11. Click File, then Exit to leave the file editor.
12. Re-boot the system (by simultaneously pressing Ctrl/Alt/Delete) for the changes to
take effect.
1. Power up all the remaining equipment. After the CM9760-CC1 loads the configuration
files, the CM9760-KBD LCD should show “SYSTEM 9760.”
2. Enter 1111 (the keyboard #1 default password) on the CM9760-KBD keypad. The as-
terisks on the keyboard will move one space to the left for each number entered. The
LCD will display “ENTER MONITOR #.”
3. Enter 1 MON.
4. Press the FWD key to step through the cameras and verify switching.
The default password for keyboard 2 is 2222, keyboard 3 is 3333, etc.
See the following page.