Pelco Manual C519M-D (7/00) [ 9 ]
Table D. Keyboard Functions
Circled numbers refer to Figure 5.
Function Procedure
Select Monitor* LED display 1 shows monitor number in run mode.
Enter monitor number (1-4) 15 and press MON 17 to select.
NOTE: To view and control cameras on a monitor other than the one on the
keyboard, enter the number of that monitor.
Select Camera Enter camera number (1-16) 15 and press CAM 14 to select.
NOTE: The CM6700 can be programmed to restrict some monitors from view-
ing certain cameras. To display a camera’s view on your monitor, be sure that
your keyboard shows the number of the monitor you are viewing and be sure
that the CM6700 has not been programmed to restrict viewing of that camera.
Pan/Tilt/Zoom Move the joystick 12 until the camera reaches the desired position. To in-
crease the speed of movement, move the joystick further from center. Twist
the joystick clockwise to zoom in, counterclockwise to zoom out.
Lens Control Focus, iris - Press and hold the appropriate lens control key 11 until the de-
sired effect is seen.
Presets Enter preset number (1-66) 15 and press PRESET 9 to put camera in
preset position.
To program, position camera, enter desired preset number (1-66) 15 , and
hold down PRESET 9 for two seconds.
In CM6700 mode, a label appears on the monitor. Use F1 and F2 5 to edit
the label, then select SET and press ACK 16 .
Patterns Programming and operation varies with the receiver type.
domes (before version 3.0) can use one long (1 minute) or two
short (0.5 minute) patterns. Spectra domes (version 3.0), Spectra II
domes and Esprit™ Integrated Positioning Systems can use one long
(1.5, 3 or 6 minutes) or two short (0.75, 1.5 or 3 minutes) patterns. (Select
pattern lengths at the positioning system’s menu.)
To program Spectra and Esprit, select a camera (1-16) 15 , select a long
pattern by holding down PATTERN 10 for two seconds, or select short pat-
tern 1 or 2 by entering 1 or 2 15 and holding down PATTERN 10 for two
seconds. The monitor will indicate the programming function is active. Move
the camera position 12 as desired for the pattern and press ACK 16 to
close the programming function.
To run a long pattern, press PATTERN 10 . To run a short pattern, enter 1 or
2 15 and press PATTERN 10 . Move the joystick 12 or call a preset 9
to stop.
Direct Mode is the same as above, except:
Do not program a pattern with turbo pan on (switch 6).
*This function is not used in Direct Mode.
Continued on next page