
16 C4631M (11/09)
The unit supports two playback modes, instant playback and playback. Instant playback is initiated from the live view mode. The DVR
simultaneously plays back and records live video. Live quad view is not available during instant playback. Instant playback video is displayed in a
single pane. For information about the playback mode, refer to Playback on page 21.
The instant playback mode supports the following features:
Playback: Video is played back for one channel at a time.
Playback controls: All controls are available.
Timing: Playback begins two minutes prior to the current time.
To start an instant playback:
1. From the application window, click a camera pane. A white border highlights the selected pane.
2. To start instant playback, click the play button .
Figure 9. Instant Playback View