Pelco Manual C454M-C (1/98) 11
3.1.3 Pendant Mounting
The pendant back box is designed to be suspended from a suitable length of 1-1/2”
pipe threaded at both ends. This pipe can be interfaced to the IWM Series or IDM4018
wall mounts or to the MRWA wall adapter mount or MRCA ceiling adapter mount.
To install the pendant type back box, perform the following steps:
1. Select and install the mount of choice according to the instructions provided
with the mount. This may be a good time to route any needed wiring through
the mount. Refer to Section 3.2, WIRING INSTRUCTIONS.
2. Select the appropriate length of pipe (2-1/2" minimum length) and thread into
the mount. Tighten to approximately 30 ft/lb and tighten any locking means
that may be provided on the mount.
3. Slide the back box “cap” up the pipe.
On outdoor units first slide one (1) of the two (2) O-rings up the pipe, followed
by the “cap” and the second O-ring.
On indoor models while holding the “cap” in place, bring the back box into
place and engage the threaded flange on the back box with the pipe. (Be sure
to back out the locking screw in the flange prior to this.)
4. Spin the back box onto the pipe. The latches inside the back box may be used
as handles to provide a light torque to the box (approximately 20 ft/lb). Tighten
the lock screw.
5. Lower the “cap” onto the top of the back box. On outdoor models also lower
the external O-ring until it contacts the “cap”.
Proceed to Section 3.2, WIRING INSTRUCTIONS.
The length of pipe used may
effect noticeable motion on the video
display. If this occurs additional sup-
port of the pipe by bracing, guy wir-
ing, etc. will be required.
For outdoor models apply
pipe thread sealant to the pipe threads
prior to assembly.
Figure 2. Backup Plate Installation