C2908M-B (4/05) 35
*Do not press Enter with the cursor in the Software Upload or Configuration Upload box after making an entry. If you do so, the unit will reset and
your settings will remain unchanged.
Time server IP
address Enter the IP address of a TIME protocol server and then click Set. The time and date are automatically
synchronized every two hours to this Internet server. This feature does not adjust for Daylight Saving Time;
you should adjust manually as needed.
Hardware version N/A Read-only hardware version number. This contains unique serial number, type of hardware, and revision.
Software version N/A Read-only firmware version number. This is important information should you need technical support.
Software upload* N/A Units have flash EPROMs for firmware upgrades in the field. These upgrades can be done directly from the
web browser. Enter the name of the file containing the upgrade, or locate it using the Browse button. Then
click the Upload button.
Upload progress 0% This field shows the percentage of the upload that has been completed.
N/A Clicking the Download button saves the current configuration of the PelcoNet NET300 transmission system
to a PC file.
N/A This copies a file from a PC to the NET300. Enter the name of the file containing the configuration, or locate it
using the Browse button. Then click the Upload button to overwrite the configuration with the configuration
stored in the named file.
Setting Description