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4. Navigate to the export destination, and then select an option. You can export video to a CD, DVD, or USB memory key. The media must have
sufficient space to store the entire video clip. If you are unsure if the video clip has sufficient space, follow the instructions at Step 7 to
export only a portion of the video clip.
5. Select the Begin Export command to export the entire video clip. A message appears at the bottom of the monitor while the DVR5100
exports the video clip. After the video is exported, the message disappears, and you are returned to the Export Video Clip screen.
Figure 71. Exporting Video to a CD or DVD
6. Select Cancel to close the screen.
7. As an alternative, you can set up a start time and end time for the portion of video that you want to export as follows:
• Select the Start Time or End Time commands on the Export Video Clip screen. On the Date Time Range screen, use the jog (inner dial)
to select a different start or end time for the exported video clip.
• Use the joystick to navigate to a segment of a date or time field, and then turn the jog (inner dial) to change date or time.
• Select OK to save the changes and exit the Date Time Range screen.
Figure 72. Date Time Range Screen