Scanner Checkout
System Verification
4-2 Installation Guide for the OpScan iNSIGHT 70 Scanner
System Verification
This section describes how to update the OpScan iNSIGHT 70 scanner system
You need to have an additional 90 to 100 MB of disk space if you intend to
maintain a copy of the old and new software.
You need to have 128 MB of paging space for the file server and 32 MB of paging
space for each edit workstation.
Before updating the OpScan iNSIGHT 70 scanner software, make sure that the
following are installed and configured:
• Windows XP operating system
• Scanner software
For more information on special requirements for your site, see the Release Notes
accompanying the update media.
OpScan iNSIGHT 70 Scanner System Software
The OpScan iNSIGHT 70 scanner system software arrives completely configured.
Customer Hand-off
Once everything is working properly, go through the customer training checklist
to ensure the customer understands scanner operation and maintenance.
1. Identify the main scanner parts and explain the purpose.
• Power Switch - Turns on the system's power
• READY switch - Starts and stops the scanner
• Input hopper - Holds up to 750 sheets
• Input hopper height adjustment switch - Adjusts the input hopper
• Transport bed - Senses if the form is aligned and passes it between the
read heads
• Bar code reader - Reads bar codes on forms
• Turnaround station - Sends the forms to the output hopper or the select
• Transport printer - Prints information on the forms
• Select Stacker - Holds forms with errors (up to 200 sheets)
• Output Hopper - Holds forms without errors (up to 750 sheets)
• Output Hopper Height Adjustment Switch - Adjusts the input hopper up
or down