
P/N: 4809606
©2005 Paxton Automotive
All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured
06SEP05 v4.0 FordV10(4809606v4.0)
The MASS AIR FLOW METER will be used
in a later step. Discard the MASS AIR FLOW
METER housing, face plate and air cleaner
F. Remove the large nut from the support bracket
on top of the fan shroud cover. Next, remove
the three 8mm bolts securing the coolant reser-
voir and set the reservoir on the passenger side
inner-fender. Next, drain the coolant from the
engine by opening the petcock on the bottom of
the radiator, driver’s side. Mark the ends of the
upper radiator hose with an “R” on the radiator
side and a “T” on the thermostat housing end.
This is required for a later step.
Fig. 1.1-e
Fig. 1.2-a
E. Remove the two 10mm nuts retaining the
MASS AIR FLOW METER and separate the
two pieces. (See Fig. 1.1-e.)
A. Unbolt the charcoal canister and the bracket,
(the large black cylinder unit on the driver’s
side inner-fenderwall). Swing the bracket back
and out of the way.
B. Next, you will need to remove the power-steer-
ing reservoir, insuring the fill cap is on tight,
turn the reservoir upside down and remove both
lines. Being careful not to spill any fluid, short-
en the larger hose 1-1/4" and the smaller hose,
C. Reroute both lines under the two steel brake
lines running toward the front of the engine
compartment. Re-attach the two hoses to the
power steering reservoir and the P/S Relocation
bracket provided, re-attach the reservoir and
replenish any fluid spilled during the process.
C. Remove the fasteners that secure the fan shroud
to the radiator.
D. After you remove the fan from the water pump,
lift the fan and fan shroud together from the
engine compartment and set it aside to be rein-
stalled at a later step. (See Fig. 1.2-a.)
A. Unscrew the fan from the water pump using a
48mm open end wrench or large crescent
wrench and the supplied fan removal tool .
B. Slide the fan removal tool over the four bolts
securing the water pump pulley to the water
*** NOTE ***
The nut has right-handed threads. Remove the
two 8mm bolts retaining the fan shroud located
at the top of the fan shroud on the driver’s side
and passenger’s side.
Using a 1/2" breaker bar for leverage, hold the
pulley so it does not move and loosen the fan
assembly from the water pump snout.