COMSPHERE 3600 Series Data Service Units
3-4 March 1999 3610-A2-GB41-60
Figure 3-2. Modular TDM/MCMP Circuit Card Switch Locations
Software Configuration
A default software configuration is loaded in the DSU
at the factory. If the TDM option is installed, the
Model 3611 DSU is configured as a control with TDM
mode enabled and Port 1 set to operate at 9.6 kbps. If the
MCMP option is installed, the DSU is configured as a
control with MCMP mode enabled and Port 1 set to
operate at 9.6 kbps.
Software configurations can be changed from the
SDCP or from an NMS that supports this feature.
From the SDCP
To change TDM, MCMP, or digital bridge
configuration options from the SDCP, use the selection
sequence from the top-level menu. The Options (Opts)
branch is used to change configuration options.
For additional configuration option information, refer
to Unit Configuration, Chapter 4, of the COMSPHERE
3600 Series Data Service Units, Models 3610 and 3611,
Time Division Multiplexer, Multichannel Multipoint, and
Digital Bridge Options, User’s Guide Supplement, or
Configuration Options, Chapter 6, of the COMSPHERE
3600 Series Data Service Units, Models 3610 and 3611,
Operator’s Guide.
For a listing of SDCP messages received when a TDM
or MCMP is installed, refer to Appendix B of the
COMSPHERE 3600 Series Data Service Units,
Models 3610 and 3611, Time Division Multiplexer,
Multichannel Multipoint, and Digital Bridge Options,
User’s Guide Supplement, or Appendix C of the
COMSPHERE 3600 Series Data Service Units, Models
3610 and 3611, Operator’s Guide.
From the NMS
Software configuration options for a Model 3611 with
a TDM or MCMP can also be set from a 6800 Series
NMS using the Change commands. These commands
include the following:
• cho followed by the DSU’s network address allows
you to change the DSU, Diagnostic (DSU, DBM,
and General), General, MUX Setup and Port, Port
Speed, and LPDA configuration option sets.
• cho followed by the DBM’s network address allows
you to change the DBM, Backup, Diagnostic (DSU,
DBM, and General), General, MUX Setup and Port,
and Port Speed configuration option sets.
• cha followed by the DSU’s serial number allows
you to change the tributary DSU’s network address.