
Add a hard disk drive
Hard disk drives will be locally procured.
When adding an HDD unit, proceed as follows.
It is possible to add an HDD unit without stopping operation.
Install an HDD unit in the recorder
(+ Page 52)
Hard disk drive auto recognition
(+ Page 136)
The hard disk drive is installed as a record-
able disk.
Add a hard disk drive to the system.
(+ Page 137)
The hard disk drive is installed as a playback-
only disk.
The hard disk drive is installed as a recordable
The hard disk drives can be installed/removed from the HDD slots covered by the front cover.
Contact your dealer for purchasing, installing, and replacing the hard disk drives.
• Harddiskdrivesareprecisedevices.Handlewithcarewhilekeepingthefollowinginmind.
drive, hold the both sides of the hard disk drive.
• Contactyourdealerforharddiskdrivesthatworksontherecorder.Pleasebeforewarnedthatoperationwithanyharddisk
drive other than the specified models is not guaranteed under any circumstances.
• Whenusingmultipleharddiskdrives,usethesamemodel.
If different models are used together, even when the capacities of them are the same, the available capacity may be a few
percent smaller.
• InstalltheharddiskdrivesonebyoneinorderstartingfromHDD1.
(The leftmost slot of the HDD slots is HDD1 and the rightmost one is HDD4.)
• OncetheoperationhasstartedintheRAID5orRAID6mode,donotchangethepositionsoftheHDDunits.Iftheyare
changed, it may become impossible to read recorded data.
When a hard disk drive is
not formatted
Start auto format
When a hard disk drive is
When recording on the newly
installed hard disk drive