Connections and installation
Connecting to an Audio Mixer (not
•Disconnect all units from the power source before making any con-
•Reconnect the AC power supply cord after all other connections
are complete.
•Install the unit on a horizontal surface protected from vibrations.
•Keep this unit as far as possible from speakers.
•Ensure the unit is not exposed to direct sunlight, dust, humidity,
and heat from a heating appliance.
•This unit may pick up interference from a radio if there is one nearby.
Keep radios as far as possible from this unit.
Adjusting the height of the insulators
Place the unit where it is to be used and adjust the height of the legs
to make the unit horizontal.
Preparatory adjustments
Horizontal balance and stylus pressure
1 Release the tone arm.
1. Remove the stylus cover, taking care not to dam-
age the stylus, then release the arm clamp.
2. Free the tone arm from the arm rest.
Arm clamp
2 Adjust horizontal balance
1. Push the cue lever down.
2. Turn the anti-skating control to “0”.
3. Turn the balance weight until the arm is approxi-
mately horizontal.
Take care at this time not to allow the stylus to touch the unit.
Arm clamp
Arm rest
Cue lever
Anti-skating control
Too far forward
Too far back
3 Turn the stylus pressure control to “0”
1. Return the tone arm to the arm rest and fix it
with the arm clamp.
2. Turn the stylus pressure control to “0”.
Hold the balance weight still while doing this.
Balance weight
Center line
Turn stylus
Arm clamp
4 Adjust stylus pressure
Turn the balance weight to adjust to the appropri-
ate pressure for the cartridge you are using.
See the cartridge’s instructions for recommended stylus pres-
The stylus pressure control will turn at the same time. Stop
when the center line points to the required pressure.
Center line
Earth lead
Audio mixer