2. Tap the new folder you wish to view.
MMS messaging
The Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) allows
you to exchange multimedia messages containing
data such as text, pictures, sounds, animation and
video clips. You can send MMS messages to other
mobile phones or to email addresses. For details on
MMS, and to enable your account for this service,
contact your Service Provider.
An MMS can be made of many pages, also known as
'slides'. Each slide can hold an image, a sound and
text, but you do not need to set all of these for each
message. The maximum amount of content that can
be sent in a message is set by your Service Provider.
Creating an MMS
1. From the Today screen, tap Start > Messaging and
tap the MMS option.
2. On the MMS main screen, tap Menu > New to
create a new MMS.
3. Tap a MMS from given templates or tap Custom to
customize your MMS.
4. Add a recipient.
You can enter a phone number directly into the To:
field, or you can select a contact from your contact
list. To choose a contact
tap Menu > Recipient…
Add. by tapping Menu>Add Recipient while the
cursor is in the To: field.
The MMS composer is able to deliver the
message to more than one user. When delivering to
multiple recipients, input a semicolon between
Adding a Picture or Video
To add an image to the message:
1. Tap the Insert Picture/Video area. The preview of
all pictures and videos in the Picture the c
folder is displayed.
2. Tap one of the pictures to add. in the current folder
To launch the camera application, tap Menu
> Capture > Picture (or Video).
3. Once you have selected a picture or video, the main
message creation screen is displayed.
NOTE: If you add a video to the message, you
cannot add any further audio to the slide.