Various functions and the Movie Camera status are shown
on the screen.
≥Some Indications may not be displayed according to the
r: Remaining Battery Power
≥When the battery power becomes low, the Indication
changes. When the battery is discharged completely, the
u (v) Indication flashes.
s: (When you are using the AC Adaptor, the
[s] Indication may appear, however,
this is not a malfunction.)
R0:45: Remaining Tape Time
≥Remaining tape time is indicated in minutes. (When it
reaches less than 3 minutes, the indication starts flashing.)
D.ZOOM: Digital Zoom (l 20)
WIPE: Wipe Mode (l 25)
MIX: Mix Mode (l 25)
STROBE: Strobe Mode (l 25)
GAINUP: Gain-up Mode (l 25)
TRACER: Trailing Effect Mode (l 25)
MOSAIC: Mosaic Mode (l 25)
MIRROR: Mirror Mode (l 25)
NEGA: Negative Mode (l 25)
SEPIA: Sepia Mode (l 25)
B/W: Black & White Mode (l 25)
SOLARI: Solarisation Mode (l 25)
PB ZOOM: Playback Zoom (l 29)
SP: Standard Mode (Recording Speed Mode)
(l 17)
LP: Long Play Mode (Recording Speed Mode)
(l 17)
INDEX: Index signal recording (l 28)
S 1: Search Number (l 28)
5k: Zoom Magnification Indication (l 19)
AUTO: Automatic Mode (l 18)
MNL: Manual Mode (l 24, 23)
[: Image Stabilizer (l 20)
MIC, AV IN: Audio Dubbing Input Display (l 30)
12 bit, 16 bit: Audio Recording Mode (l 17)
AUTOPRINT: Automatic Printing (l 32)
MF: Manual Focus (l 24)
ª: Back Light Mode (l 22)
5: Sports Mode (Programme AE) (l 22)
7: Portrait Mode (Programme AE) (l 22)
4: Low Light Mode (Programme AE) (l 22)
Ω: Spotlight Mode (Programme AE) (l 22)
º: Surf & Snow Mode (Programme AE) (l 22)
REC: Recording (l 18)
PAUSE: Recording Pause (l 18)
!: Playback (l 26)/Forward Camera Search
(l 18)
": Reverse Camera Search (l 18)
;: Still Playback (l 27)
%: Fast-forward/Cue Playback (l 26)
&: Rewind/Review Playback (l 26)
~, }: Slow Motion Playback (l 27)
";, ;!: Still Advance Playback (l 27)
*, ): Index Search (l 28)
CHK: Recording Check (l 18)
A.DUB !: Audio Dubbing (l 30)
A.DUB ;: Audio Dubbing Pause (l 30)
PHOTO: Photoshot Mode Recording (l 19)
BLANK: Blank Search (l 27)
R !: Repeat Playback (l 41)
2k%: Variable Speed Search (l 26)
1/500: When you adjust shutter speed manually,
this indication appears. (l 24)
SLIDE!: Slide Show Playback (l 35)
SLIDE;: Slide Show Playback Pause (l 35)
M.SLIDE!: Manual Slide Show Playback (l 35)
M.SLIDE;: Manual Slide Show Playback Pause (l 35)
F2.4: When you adjust the F Number manually,
this indication appears. (l 24)
AWB: Automatic White Balance Mode (l 23)
1: White Balance setting Mode (l 23)
z: Outdoor Mode (l 23)
{: Indoor Mode (recording under incandescent
lamp) (l 23)
Z.MIC: Zoom Microphone (l 19)
WIND CUT: Wind Noise Reduction (l 22)
æ: Progressive Photoshot Mode (l 19)
STDBY Motion Sensor Stand-by Mode (l 21)
0LUX 0 Lux Night View Mode (l 21)
VOLUME: Volume adjustment (l 26)
15:30:45 : Date/Time Indication (l 39)
N (F, E): CardPhotoshot Picture Quality (during Card
Photoshot recording) [F] means Fine, [N]
means Normal and [E] means
Economy.(l 33)
ø (Red): Card Photoshot Recording (l 33)
ACCESS: While Card is being read (during Playback,
Formatting and Multi-Picture Function use)
(l 33)
¬: Card not inserted (l 33)
ø(cyan): Card Photoshot Recording preparation
completed (l 33)
00: Remaining Number of Card Photoshot
pictures(l 33)
: Lock Setting(l 37)
¥ (White): DPOF Setting completed (set to 1 or more
picture) (l 35)
¥ (Green): Slide Show Settings completed (l 37)
¥ (Blue): DPOF Setting (set to 1 or more picture)/
Slide Show Settings both completed (l 35,
: [640k480] Image size
≥For images not recorded with this Movie Camera, the size
display is determined as follows according to the the
number of horizontal pixels.
: From 640 to 800 (The size is not displayed at
under 640 pixels.)
: From 800 to 1024
: From 1024 to 1280
: From 1280 to 1600
: Over 1600
ªTo Change the Counter Display Mode
By changing [C.DISPLAY] on the [DISPLAY SETUP] Sub-
Menu, you can change the Counter Display Mode to Tape
Counter Indication [COUNTER] (0:00.00), Memory Counter
Indication [MEMORY] (M0:00.00), and Time Code Indication
[TIMECODE] (0h00m00s00f). (l 13) By repeatedly pressing
the [COUNTER] Button on the Remote Controller, you can
change the Counter Display Mode.