15ml (1tbsp) olive oil
1 medium onion, coarsely chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
700g (1½ lb) sweet potatoes,
peeled and chopped
1 large red pepper, deseeded and
725ml (1¼ pints) vegetable stock
150ml (¼ pt) coconut milk
salt and pepper
Sweet Potato Soup
Serves 4
Dish: 3 litre (6 pt) bowl
Place the oil, onion and garlic in a large bowl. Place on
base of oven and cook on MEDIUM MICROWAVE for 3
mins. or until soft. Add the potato and pepper and cook
on MEDIUM MICROWAVE for 5 mins. Add stock , cover
and cook on MEDIUM MICROWAVE for 15 mins. or until
the potatoes are soft, stirring halfway. Cool. Place in
liquidiser and puree until smooth. Stir in the coconut milk
and season to taste. Cover and cook on MEDIUM
MICROWAVE for 3 mins. or until piping hot.
250g (9oz) streaky bacon, de-rinded
225g (8oz) minced pork
225g (8oz) pigs liver, chopped
½tsp (3ml) rosemary
½tsp (3ml) thyme
½tsp (3ml) ground mace
½tsp (3ml) allspice
salt & freshly milled black pepper
30ml (2tbsp) dry white wine
15g (
½ oz) butter
2 shallots, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 egg, beaten
1tbsp plain flour
Serves 4-6
Dish: bowl, 600ml (1 pint) earthenware terrine
or Glass loaf dish
Line base and sides of dish with bacon rashers,
stretching each rasher slightly with a knife.
Place the minced pork, chopped liver, herbs, spices,
seasoning and wine in a non metallic bowl and marinate
for 2 hours in the fridge. Place butter, shallots and garlic
in bowl. Place on base of oven and cook on HIGH
MICROWAVE for 2 mins. Cool. Combine the meat
marinade with the onion mixture. Add the egg and flour
and mix well. Turn into the bacon lined dish. Smooth the
top and fold over the bacon. Cover with greaseproof
paper, place on base of oven and cook on
Pork and Liver Terrine
Soups and Starters