Useful Information
Helpline Tel. No.: U.K. 08700 100 076 R.O.I. 01289 8333 19
Problem Cause & solution
The cordless camera does
not work.
L Check the connections (page 9).
L The cordless camera is not registered to the base unit.
Register the cordless camera to the base unit (page
The cordless camera’s
indicator is flashing red.
L The cordless camera is not registered to the base unit.
Register the cordless camera to the base unit (page
L The cordless camera is out of range. Locate the
cordless camera near the base unit.
The image is faint. L The camera lens is dirty. Clean it with a soft dry cloth.
L Do not touch the lens directly. Fingerprint may cause an
unclear image.
The image sent from the
cordless camera is poor on
the handset display.
L Adjust the display brightness setting (page 15).
L The place where the cordless camera is located is dark.
Improve lighting.
The image sent from the
cordless camera is dark and
difficult to see on the
handset display.
L Adjust the display brightness setting (page 15).
L There is a strong sunlight or a backlight in the place
where the cordless camera is located. Try shading the
camera’s location.
I cannot connect to the
cordless camera, the image
distorts, or the image is
L The cordless camera has lost communications with the
base unit. Move the cordless camera closer to the base
unit, and try again.
L There is an obstacle such as concrete wall. Move the
cordless camera to the place without an obstacle.
L A microwave appliance is in use. Move the cordless
camera closer to the base unit or use the cordless
camera away from that appliance, and try again.
The camera sensor does not
L If you set the audio detection sensitivity to off, the
camera sensor does not respond. Turn this feature on
(page 15).
L While a handset is monitoring the cordless camera, the
cordless camera stops detecting sound.
I pressed the call button but
the cordless camera does
not page the handsets.
L While the image of the cordless camera is being
monitored by a handset, the call button will not have
TGA914E(e).book Page 19 Friday, July 28, 2006 12:09 PM