User Manual 373
Examples — in Station Programming mode
Restricted RESTREINT An outgoing call is restricted.
Ringer : *** SONN. : *** Volume Control — ringer on idle status.
SP:************ HP:************ Volume Control — speaker on hands-free
Transfer to CO TRANSFERT A LR The destination extension is set "Call
Forwarding — to Outside Line".
Unlocked DEVERROUILLE Cancel "Call Log Lock, Incoming".
Cancel "Electronic Station Lockout".
Will Return Soon Will Return Soon Absent Message 1.
Provides you with a caller’s information, such as his/her name and telephone number, on the outside line assigned to receive
Caller ID service calls. This requires a subscription for caller identification services. For more details, please consult with
your dealer.
English Display French Display Description
Account COMPTE Account button is assigned.
C.W. Tone1 TON.APPEL1 Select Call Waiting tone.
Clear Ready? ANNULER DONNEES? Available to clear Station Programming data.
CO-01 LR-01 Single-CO (S-CO) button is assigned.
Conference CONFERENCE Conference (CONF) button is assigned.
140:CO Lock 140:LR VERR. Complete to lock the outside calls of other
— "Remote Station Lock Control".
140:ICM Lock 140:INTCM VERR. Complete to lock the intercom calls of other
— "Remote Station Lock Control".
140:Unlock 140:DEVERR Cancel "Remote Station Lock Control"
Ext-123 PST-123 DSS button is assigned.
FWD/DND RNV/NPD FWD/DND button is assigned.
Hands-free:Off MAINS LIB.:NON Disable "Full One-Touch Dialing" mode.
Hands-free:On MAINS LIB.:OUI Enable "Full One-Touch Dialing" mode.
Handset COMBINE Select Handset mode.
Headset CASQUE Select Headset mode.
Jack04 <=> EXT104 10101 <=> PST104 Confirm jack number and extension number.
English Display French Display Description