
Features 3-55
3 Features D
Doorphone Call
Description If a visitor presses the doorphone button, pre-assigned extensions
will be called. The extension who answers the call can talk to the
visitor. Any extension user can call a doorphone. The doorphones
are also used for the Room Monitor feature.
Conditions • An optional Doorphone/Door Opener card must be installed.
• Four doorphones can be installed.
• The extensions which can receive calls from each doorphone during the
day, night and lunch modes must be programmed.
• If an extension user does not answer an incoming doorphone call within
a programmed period of time, the ringing will stop and be canceled.
• A programmed extension user can open the door from the telephone to
let the visitor in (Door Opener). This requires a user-supplied door
• An access tone can be programmed to be sent to the monitored
doorphone before monitoring starts.
• The ringing tone from the doorphone call is programmable.
• Doorphone 1 and Doorphone 2 cannot receive calls simultaneously.
When one is in use, an extension user cannot have a conversation with
the other. This is the same for Doorphone 3 and Doorphone 4.
Connection Reference
Section 2, Installation
2.4.3 Doorphone and Door Opener Connection
Programming References
Section 4, System Programming
[700]–[702] Doorphone Ringing Assignment — Day/Night/Lunch
[706] Door Ringing/Tone Pattern Selection
[707] Doorphone Access Tone Selection
[708] Doorphone Ringing Time
Feature References Section 3, Features
Door Opener
Room Monitor
Operation References Telephone Features
— User Manual Doorphone Call
Room Monitor