until the desired time appears
lsec : dials after I second
2sec : dials after 2 seconds
3sec : dials after 3 seconds . . . . . . ..-. default
4sec : dials after 4 seconds
Enables programming of the pickup dial (on
page 5-18) start time (the delay between
picking up the handset and automatic dialing).
The default is 3 sec.,Which can be changed to 1,
2, or 4 sec.
Programming Table
See page 7-7.
Dial (21).
“Pickup Dial Time” will be displayed.
2. Press the NEXT button.
“PUD Time : 3sec” will be displayed and “3”
will blink.
3. Repeat Pressing the SELECT button until the
desired time ( lsec, 2sec, 3sec, 4sec ) is
4. Press the MEMORY button.
The LCD will stop blinking.
5. To return to the initial program mode, press
the END button..