
Installing Video Playback Software
Many DVD-Videos (DVDs) are protected by a Region Code.
Region Codes are administered separately for each region shown below.
To watch a DVD-Video, the following Region Codes must be consistent with
each other.
BRegion Code of DVD
BRegion Code of this drive
BRegion Code of DVD-Video playback software (WinDVD 4)
When attempting to play back a DVD-Video with a different Region Code, a
warning window appears. Click [OK]. Region Code setting window will appear.
Check the setting and click [OK]. Playback software (WinDVD 4) and this
drive will be set to a new Region Code. After checking the setting changes
and closing the window, playback will start.
The factory preset is Region Code 1.
Region Code can be set up to 5 times. However, the factory preset is
counted as the first time, so Region Code can be reset 4 more times at
Region Code
BBe aware that when the Region Code has been reset for the fourth time,
the setting is fixed and cannot be changed.
Users take responsibility for any problems caused by resetting the Region
Code improperly.