Programming or Retrieving Parameters via Email
Editing the Retrieved or Backup Internet Parameters File
Installing Your
(2) @sender to @end : Defines the Sender information to be set in section (2) between @sender to @end
block. Edit, Delete or Register up to 24 User Names and their Email Addresses for
the Sender Selection feature (See page 150).
Separate each data field with a semicolon (;). (If the remaining fields are to remain
blank, insert a semicolon (;) for each blank field)
The data string for each Sender Selection should be defined within a single line.
The syntax is: <Sender Selection Number>;<User Name>;<Email Address>
(a) 01 to 24: Indicates the Sender Selection Numbers
(b) User Name (25-characters maximum)
(c) Email Address (60-characters maximum)
(3) @select-domain to @end : Defines the Selectable Domains to be set in section (3) between @select-domain
to @end block. Register up to 10 alternate Domain Names that can be selected
during manual email addressing. (30-characters maximum)
The syntax is: <Number>;<Domain>
(4) @relay-domain to @end : Defines the Domain Names to be set in section (4) between @relay-domain to
@end block. Register up to 10 Domain Names that have been authorized to
access your Internet Fax for Relayed XMT Request. (30-characters maximum)
(5) @system to @end : Defines the Internet Parameters to be set in section (5) between @system to
@end block. Register the following Internet Parameters.
(a) Default Domain (50-characters maximum).
The syntax is: domain; <Default domain name>
(b) Manager’s Email Address (60-characters maximum).
The syntax is: manager; <Manager’s Email Address>
(c) Relay XMT Password (10-characters maximum).
The syntax is: relay; <Relay XMT Password>. Quotation marks " " enclosing
the password, is required, as shown in the example above.
(d) Remote Password (10-characters maximum).
The syntax is: remote; <Remote Password>. Quotation marks " " enclosing
the password, is required, as shown in the example above.
(Notice that for the above example, we have changed the Manager’s Email
Address, Relay XMT Password and the Remote Password)
(6) @ldap to @end : Defines the LDAP Parameters to be set in section (6) between @ldap to @end
block. Register the following Internet Parameters.
(a) LDAP Server Name (60-characters maximum).
The syntax is: server;<LDAP Server Name>
(b) LDAP Login Name (40-characters maximum).
The syntax is: login;<LDAP Login Name>
(c) LDAP Password (10-characters maximum).
The syntax is: password;<LDAP Password>Quotation marks " " enclosing the
password, is required, as shown in the example above.
(d) LDAP Search Base (40-characters maximum).
The syntax is: base;<LDAP Search Base>
(7) @mib to @end : Defines the MIB to be set in section (7) between @mib to @end block. Register
the following Internet Parameters.
(a) Community Name(1) (32-characters maximum).
The syntax is: com_name1;<Community Name(1)>
(b) Community Name(2) (32-characters maximum).
The syntax is: com_name2;<Community Name(2)>
(c) Device Name(32-characters maximum).
The syntax is: device;<Device Name>
(d) Device Location(32-characters maximum).
The syntax is: location;<Device Location>
(8) : This header must be deleted before the email is sent to your machine for
reprogramming of Internet Parameters.
The information following the "#" sign is ignored by your machine, therefore, you
can leave it as is, or delete it if you wish.