2.0 Features Update Appendix A
A-12 DBS 824-3.0/3.2-700 Revised April 2000
Analog Adapter
44-Series phones only
CPC-S/M Version 2.0 and higher
The Analog Adapter (VB-44100) consists of a base adapter and PC board which is
installed on the underside of the phone. It is used to connect the 44-series
large-display phone to an analog device such as an SLT telephone, cordless phone,
FAX machine, or modem. This allows the same phone line to be used to alternate
between normal phone calls and analog communications. (To install, see the
instructions supplied with VB-44100).
FF3 (ExtPort)# 51# (0 or 1)#
0=Analog Adapter is not
installed on this
1=Analog Adapter is
installed on this extension.
to register the installation of the Analog Adapter on an extension...
Extension Port where
VB-44225 Large-Display
Phone is installed
FF3 (ExtPort)# 52# (0 or 1)#
0=Disable data security on the
to implement data security measures (interrupt tones, overrides)
Analog Adapter.
1=Enable data security on the
Analog Adapter.
Extension Port where
VB-44225 Large-Display
Phone is installed
for the Analog Port...
NOTE: This address will affect only the Analog Adapter, not the
Large-Display phone itself.