Network Information
DataTAC Network Technology for the ARDIS Network
The DataTAC infrastructure has become an international data communications
standard, offering fast data transmission rates with accurate, highly reliable message
delivery. DataTAC networks are deployed around the world from North America
to Europe to Asia-Pacific.
Using an advanced Radio Data Link Access Procedure (RD-LAP) radio channel
protocol, DataTAC systems provide transmission rates up to 19.2 Kb per second
and 9.6 Kb per second depending on the country. Those rates mean fewer delays
and faster response times for the mobile user. For network operators, they mean
greater capacity to accommodate more customers, while minimizing the required
investment in network infrastructure.
DataTAC’s error detection and correction schemes provide increased message
accuracy, fewer message retries and enhanced network throughput. With DataTAC
technology, the state of the entire network is constantly monitored and safety
mechanisms including system alarms, remote diagnostics and redundant backup
links ensure network reliability and availability.
The key components of the network infrastructure include the Network Management
Center (NMC), Area Communications Controller (ACC) and base site equipment.
The NMC is an advanced client-server based management tool which provides all
network administration, operation and maintenance functions. It acts as the central
point of control in the DataTAC system.
The ACC consists of the Radio Network Gateway (RNG), Radio Network Controller
(RNC), and Communications Hub. The ACC is primarily responsible for all message
switching and routing functions, as well as providing the key communication link
between host computers and remote base stations. Connectivity between the host
computer and the infrastructure is established using industry standard X.25 or TCP/
IP host link protocols. The ACC maintains all customer-specific information for
each device on the system and allows users within a given geographical area to
connect to host application services. It manages user device system usage/traffic
information for accounting/billing purposes and detailed analysis of usage patterns.
DataTAC Data System Station (DSS) base site equipment is located at various
remote sites in the operational area of coverage and provides the RF link between
the DataTAC infrastructure and end user devices. They convert the host data
messages into the RD-LAP radio channel protocol for transmission to the user
devices and reverse the process on the return connection. They also allow device
roaming between base site coverage areas in a seamless manner completely
transparent to the end user.